The 5 Basic Principles of Leadership
A great cloud of jargon, debate, and junk theory surrounds the idea of leadership, what it is, who does it, and how to do it well. But if you have just been promoted, and you're responsible for a group for the first time, there are only a few things you really need to know about leadership.
#1 Principle of Leadership
When you get promoted and become responsible for the performance of a group you become a leader. But you don't undergo some magical change. In fact, it will probably take you over a year to completely adjust to your new role. You're a leader because the people in your group treat you like one. The only choice you have is what kind of job you'll do.
#2 Principle of Leadership
When you become a leader your power actually goes down. As an individual contributor, you just have to decide to work harder, longer or smarter to improve performance. When you're responsible for the performance of a group, the group is your destiny. They choose whether to act or not.
#3 Principle of Leadership
When you become a leader, your influence goes up. The people who work for you pay attention to what you say and do. They adjust their behaviour accordingly.
The result is that you use your behaviour (what you say and do) to influence the behaviour of the people who work for you to achieve a defined objective.
Achieving the objective is part of your job as a leader.
#4 Principle of Leadership
The other part is caring for your people. It may be possible to achieve good short term results without caring for your people. But you can't achieve long term success for you or your company without the willing cooperation of the best folks you can find.
#5 Principle of Leadership
At the end of the day, you can measure your leadership based on those two standards. Did we accomplish the mission? Are the members of my group better off today than yesterday?
To be a good leader does not take an MBA, it is not overtly complex. Once you understand the basic principles of how to show up for your team, yourself and your company in a way that sets an example, provides value and strategic vision, whilst supporting those around you, you are already well on your way to a successful leadership career. Ultimately it comes down to getting the job done and helping those around you do their jobs better to achieve this. Master these skills and you will be a force as a leader in your industry.
You can learn more about the basic skills and principles of leadership and more by contacting us today.
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Blog Posted: August 16th 2022